The video “Visitors and Residents” David White had a great connection comparing learning digital technology to learning the English language. Growing up speaking in America English is the popular language spoken so it comes first hand and easy in a way. This is similar to being raised around technology because you’ve been around it since birth so it is something you learn and pick up easily. But for those who might not have English as a first language and are immigrants trying to pick up on the language it takes more time and is more difficult. This comparison is similar to how adults who weren’t raised around technology take longer to develop and learn how to use technology. Just like immigrants learning the English language.
The article “The Internet and Youth Culture” young children or youth grow up as digital natives and live in a resident mode online and how teenagers can have two perspectives on the Internet as one of culture itself and as a cultural tool. I find it interesting how both negatives as well as positives can come out of each perspective for teenagers.